A positive working environment is very important, especially throughout 2020 when things have been extra difficult. We need to remember that we are all a team and we need to support each other, even when working from home. Positivity can rub off on your team members and will improve many aspects of your work, whether it is design or development. It can improve the duration of working, make it more enjoyable and easier.
It is always easier to be negative with yourself than be positive, but we need to nicer to ourselves. I am always critical of my own work, I tend to focus on what is wrong or how I could have done it better, but being too harsh on my self has a negative effect and will some times slow down my workflow and definitely doesn't help my mental health. I try my best to reassure myself on what I have achieved and where I am now, that I should be very proud of myself and my work. I love working in a design agency and each project I do gets better. I try to look at the good things and see the bits I've improved on, and that makes me feel great.
I also love to get feedback on my work from my colleagues. They are such a great team and when they give feedback it is always purposeful. This is a massive boost to my confidence and pushes me to keep improving my work. That's why you should be careful when you give constructive criticism because they may take it negatively which may slow workflow, decrease motivation and concentration. Resulting in an unhappy team member and team. Constructive but nice comments are much more effective.
Having a positive outlook at work is a great way to be more productive and enjoy your job. We spend a large proportion of our time at work and we each deserve to enjoy that job. If we are more positive towards our work and less critical, it can be much more enjoyable and something to look forward to every day. It is always the little things that help you through each day and having a positive outlook at work really makes it easier and nicer. Try and focus on the positive and see how it improves your work and the team you work with.
Not only should you be aware of your own mental outlook but also your colleagues. It can be very difficult trying to figure out or work on your own, everyone needs a nice and supportive team. We have a great team here at Shape. If somebody or the team have a positive outlook on their project, this then has a positive effect on everyone else. It makes you want to work harder and believe in yourself more. It also helps your mental health, because if the people you work with are positive and reassuring then this will rub off on you.
Having a positive team and atmosphere will also improve teamwork. If your colleagues are helpful and nice then you'll want to keep working with them. The last thing you want is a team that you can't get along with and are always being needlessly critical towards each other. Or if one team member is angry, then this may rub off on everybody else in the studio, effecting production speed, workflow and teamwork. Keeping a calm and happy atmosphere is key to any successful company.
I'm very lucky to have such great teammates who I can call my friends. They are always there for me when I need help and are really positive with their feedback. Not only does it improve our teamwork but it will also improve the workflow and overall speed of my work.
It is difficult, but talking about mental health is really important, it is just as important as physical health. We need to raise awareness and help people at work even if all seems well. Reaching out, being supportive and positive can really help. To provide reassurance and comfort especially because of COVID-19.
1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. This means that it is very likely that one or more of our colleagues have also experienced mental ill-health, or be close to someone who has. It is difficult to talk about our mental health at work, but we deserve to give ourselves the best possible chance to be well and to enjoy our work. It’s such a big part of our life after all.
Around 1.5% of workers have experienced some form of work-related stress, depression, or anxiety. This is why we need to support each other, with the correct help and support to help stay in our jobs and have a successful career.
If you're struggling with stress, depression or anxiety then please speak out, don't bottle it in. Either speak to your boss, team members, family or doctor. This site is also a great place to get advice and help www.blurtitout.org/resources
It's not always easy to keep a positive outlook but our work life and team experience will benefit a lot from it. So even if you're having a bad day it's best to keep in mind that your colleagues might be struggling too and by having a positive and happy approach to your work or theirs will make it much easier and nicer for everyone. You never know, that nice little positive feedback might turn that bad morning into a good afternoon. So be nice to your colleagues and especially nice to yourself, don't be so hard and look at how far you've come and what the future might hold.
Another way to maintain a positive outlook, whether at the office or working from home, is to make sure to keep you workspace clean and tidy. It will promote creativity and productivity. Remember that we spend a large proportion of our time at work and to enjoy our job and have a successful career we need to have a positive approach.
I'm a web developer here at Shape but outside of that, I'm a hockey team captain.